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Dancing Stars

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Space is as wild as a hungry lion,

A million stars flying in front of your eyes,

On a speck of these dots, a child lays,

Staring astounded, astonished, agape at the black night sky.

She watches the stars dance to the epiphany of God.

Swirling to the tunes of their cloths of fire,

With the shine of an angel's light,

They dance to the daring, dashing, debonair of heaven's choir.

Planets swirl one by one with blankets of mystery surrounding,

Made of ice, stone, and clouds, abounding.

Filled and empty, nothing with all,

They are a mystery in themselves,

The child seems so very small, while looking, unable to say farewell.

She muses, sitting on the ground, about the stars so very far.

Deep, dark, speechless shoeless spurs,

Stark darkness, thrills that purr,

The glittering planets pirouetting,

The thought of new life in the unknown setting.

When you see the stars shining,

You think of the beauty and the silver lining,

Use this example in your life,

It will be the end of your strife.

- Haiet Ashar 


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