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Mirror Mirror


Mirror Mirror, on the wall. 

Who is the fairest of them all?

The mirror said, 

The fairest is the one who aids the many sorrows of your trades.

For William Shakespeare rightly said,

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, 

And therefore is winged cupid painted blind."

When you think of true people, 

You should think of their deeds,

For deeds treated with a kind heart, 

Are the ones that the right world needs.

Most people say that they care, 

But if you fail, they will hate declare.

Tender persons may always scold, 

But in the end, they will heat you in the cold.

So mind my words, extremely strictly, 

A person with a soul as pure as driven snow is the only one that can lead us to victory.

So who is the fairest of them all?

The fairest is the one who treats everyone the same.

The fairest is the one who never fails to problem-tame.

So, I hope you know what I mean to say. 

Make sure to trust only those who love, not those who hate.


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