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Mom; My First Friend

When I think of those that I know

I can't think of one whose soul is as pure.

As yours is white as snow.

Every time I cry, you are like my cure.

Even though I sometimes forgo it, 

I love you more than I admit.

Although god can't be in every place,

He left loving hands to help erase

Any teardrops from my face.

So he thought of you, my mom.

He could not send me here alone,

Leave me to a fate unknown.

So he sent me here with you.

To hold me when I cried.

To care for me and to provide.

To be there when I needed help.

To be the one to stop my yelps.

You always lift me up,

When life lets us down.

You always find my smile.

I just love when you're around.

You are better by far,

Than all the rest.

These four words say it all.

"Mom you're the best."

You're my ray of sunshine.

That brightens every day.

You are the rainbow in my life,

That clears the gray clouds way.

You wish me sunshine on my cloudy days,

A burst of yellow to pierce the gray.

You wish me flowers on winter days,

A burst of color in the midst of pale. 

You wish me joy with just a smile,

And to help me make my life worthwhile.

You ran to help me when I fell,

And would some pretty story tell,

Or kiss the place to make it well.

My dearest mother, you see?

I wish you everything you ever wished for me.

On this and every single day,

I wish you flowers to brighten up your day!

So Mumma, on this Mother's day,

I just want you to know.

That you are always appreciated,

And that I love you so.

Today I want to tell you,

Just how much you mean to me,

To thank you for your friendship and the love you give to me.


It's so amazing,

What a little word can do.

This word fills my heart,

With warmth and love,

That lasts a lifetime through.


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